Did you know that there’s a big difference between drinking water that’s deemed “safe” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and “healthy” water?
When it comes to fortifying our immune systems, healthy water is required. Not just any water. Healthy water! While it’s common wisdom that staying hydrated helps our bodies naturally eliminate toxins and other bacteria that may cause illness, but what if the water has “unhealthy” stuff still in it? Then our immune systems will have to divert precious energy and resources to fight that battle instead of being fully fortified to deal with any potential virus or foreign invader attacking us at the moment. Most of the harmful stuff in drinking water is unseen to the naked eye. What’s more, you can’t taste or smell it. If the water we put into our bodies contains toxic chemicals or other harmful stuff, we could actually be suppressing our immune systems leaving us vulnerable to becoming ill or even hospitalized.

What is the difference between safe and “healthy” water?
When it comes to drinking water quality, “safe” doesn’t mean there aren’t health risks.
The EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act was designed to ensure that public water is “safe” to drink. This means that public water is supposed to be free of harmful contaminants. The reality is that public water may be “safe” but it is not always healthy.
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG): “Federal drinking water standards have not been updated in decades, and the regulatory process does not take into consideration the heightened vulnerability to toxic chemicals of children, infants and the developing fetus. Many chemicals known to pose risks lack enforceable federal health standards, leaving the public susceptible to harm from new and emerging contaminants in tap water.” Source: https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/ewg-standards.php
We often assume that the water coming out of our faucets is healthy. However, removing 100% of harmful contaminants in large quantities for a city or town can be extremely complex and cost-prohibitive. So the EPA allows low levels of harmful contaminants, such as arsenic, lead and disinfection byproducts to remain in your drinking water! Even if public water utilities could produce “healthy” water, that water would still have to travel through an aging infrastructure which could reintroduce harmful contaminants at the endpoint–our homes.
Unfortunately, many of our drinking water sources — including public water, private water wells and bottled water — contain harmful contaminants. Exposure to even very low levels of contaminants can cause acute and chronic immune system issues.
A Healthy Lifestyle Requires Healthy Water
Water is responsible for moving nutrients to and from every cell in our body. It enables our immune system to function optimally–if the water is healthy. Many contaminants are colorless, odorless and tasteless, which means that we can be exposed to them over long periods of time without ever knowing it until a serious health issue arises. We don’t need to assume these risks; especially during a health crisis.
Without getting too much into human biology, our immune system is supported by the lymphatic system, which removes toxins and waste.
Our immune system relies on our blood (comprised mainly of water) to transport nutrients and remove waste. Without proper hydration, our blood volume goes down, and reduced blood volume means that our immune systems won’t work efficiently.
Whether our drinking water comes from our local town, a private well, or a bottle, it probably contains contaminants — and those contaminants are constantly changing due to a variety of factors. The only way to ensure the water coming from our taps is healthy and truly free from harmful contaminants is to continuously monitor for changes through ongoing testing, analysis and local treatment.
We all deserve healthy water:
Healthy Water is identified as water having no issues that might adversely impact your family’s health, damage your home’s infrastructure, and/or lower the perceived value of your home. Quality meets all health-related limits and goals for drinking water defined by USEPA.
Safe with Risks is defined as water having one more more issues that may impact your family’s health, damage your home’s infrastructure, and/or lower the perceived value of your home. Meets all health-related drinking water limits but: one or more infrastructure or aesthetic standards are exceeded and/or presents some health risk defined by the USEPA.
Unhealthy is defined as water having significant issues that may impact your family’s health, damage your home’s infrastructure, and/or lower the perceived value of your home. Does not meet drinking water mandatory limits. Any one or more primary health-related limits, goals or advisories defined by the USEPA is exceeded.
Our Immune Systems Are Counting On Us
Protecting and boosting our immune system should be top priority right now. Toxins can be overwhelmingly devastating for our immune systems and quality of life; especially since we need to continuously replenish water in our bodies every day. If we continue to drink water that is unhealthy or even safe with risks, we’re setting ourselves for a compromised or suppressed immune system response to viruses and other microorganisms trying to harm us.
Our team hopes 100% health and peace of mind continue to be your family’s companions as we work together to come out the other side of COVID-19 healthier than ever!